In the beginning

It turns out that the beginning, for me, was two years ago to the day: 8th May 2016.

This morning, sat at my desk, struggling to tell myself that I shouldn't feel too miserable to be back at work on account of a brilliant, fun, family-filled, sun-soaked, bank-holiday weekend, my phone asked if I wanted to 'rediscover this day' in 2016.  (I quite like this feature and am going to choose to overlook the fact that my phone is my memory.)

One, two taps later and it transpired that on this day in 2016 I went out on my first road-bike cycle: the inaugural Dolce ride.  Clipped in, didn't fall and just about managed to work out how to change gear by the end of the venture.  Marc, Rob and I set off from home and cycled to the Royal Hill Inn where we were met by Olly.  Funny how things turn out.  Little did we know it then, but that bike ride led not only to the creation of The Bastley Riders, but to the developing of a passion for me that I now hope will take me around the world.

Olly and I are now just three months away from setting off on our adventure and preparations are, as they say, well and truly underway which is very exciting.  On the to do list this week: booking Rabies jabs, finding out if anyone can get hold of a Hepatitis B vaccine and researching travel shirts.

T -95.
